+27 861 168 168 info@rosstone.co.za 72 Regency Drive, Route 21 Corporate Park, Irene.

Refer a Fellow Professional successfully and receive R2000!*

We want to reward YOU, our valued Rosstone Professional when you refer another PROFESSIONAL to Rosstone. You will receive R2000 for every successful* referral.

Enter your details belowStep 1 of 2

*Terms & Conditions:

The associate referral programme is only open to Associates (Contractors) on the books of Rosstone Consulting (Pty) Ltd. Hereinafter referred to as Rosstone. The referral incentive applies to the referring Rosstone Associate, based on the following conditions:

  • All referrals submitted from 01 April 2020 will be eligible provided they adhere to all terms & conditions.
  • The Rosstone Management team reserves the right to terminate or discontinue the programme at any given time without notice.
  • Referrals made before the programme is terminated will still be eligible.
  • The Rosstone Associate must be the effective and direct cause of the referred joining Rosstone.
  • The referred associate must earn more than the earnings threshold as contained in the Basic Conditions of Employment Act as amended from time to time, to join Rosstone. Currently, this threshold is R205 433.30 per annum but is subject to change.
  • All referral incentive will be given at the sole discretion of the Rosstone Management team and the Management team shall determine any disputes or discrepancies at their sole discretion.
  • The referral incentive is only applicable to individual referrals, not to client company referrals.
  • An individual can only be referred successfully once.
  • A referral will not be deemed successful if the client company does not agree that the referred can be employed by Rosstone or if there are restraints of trade in place with regards to the individual being referred.
  • The referred individuals’ contingent employment agreement must exceed a period of three (3) months.
  • The referred individual needs to stay on Rosstone’s books for a minimum period of three (3) months before being deemed successful.
  • In the event whereby Rosstone receives the same referral from more than one source, the person who submitted the referral first will be eligible provided that all other terms and conditions are met, and the rest will be considered invalid.